Master of Arts in Theological Studies
The Master of Arts in Theological Studies is a two-year program (48 credits) offering specialization in historical theology, systematic theology, or intercultural studies. The ability to work with key theological concepts and thinkers is central to the program. An emphasis is placed on the production of scholarly theological research projects.
Vocational Options
This program of concentrated theological study prepares students for a variety of vocations in ministry and theological education. The MATS degree is suitable for:
- senior and solo pastors, associate pastors and program staff, and church planters with significant ministry experience who desire further education in Bible and theology;
- adult ministry leaders in local churches;
- campus and parachurch ministry leaders;
- teachers in Christian primary and secondary schools;
- future doctoral students in theology, intercultural studies, or the humanities; and
- those engaged in speaking and writing ministries.
At the completion of the MATS program, students will be able to:
- Articulate and defend their ethical and theological system. (PO1)
- Have a basic awareness of the history of Christian theology and spirituality. (PO2)
- Respectfully engage theological and spiritual traditions other than their own. (PO3)
- Demonstrate a capacity to express and apply orthodox theology creatively and constructively and synthetically in the context of contemporary culture. (PO4)
- Perform scholarly independent study. (PO5)
- Must possess a bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 32 semester hours of general studies from an institution accredited by an agency recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or holding membership in the Association of Universities and Colleges in Canada or the equivalent.
- Must hold a minimum 2.5 undergraduate grade point average (4.0 scale).
- Must believe and affirm the essential doctrines of the Christian faith.
- See the Admission & Financial Information section of the catalog for information about other admission requirements.
Graduation Requirements
- Complete all general graduation requirements as listed earlier in this section.
- Complete required program credits with at least 24 credits earned at Multnomah Biblical Seminary.
- Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (4.0 scale).
- Affirms the essential doctrines of the Christian faith.
- Normally, complete the course work within four years from the date of matriculation.